Repent and believe

​Repent and believe: God commands you to believe; and, so long as you do not believe, you are making him a liar, you are rejecting the truth, you are believing a lie; for unbelief is, in reality, [...]


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The war of faith

​The trial of faith when the cloudy pillar stops the migrating column in dry Rephidim, and Horeb's rock - type of Calvary. Then the Amalekites, Satan's agents to fight Israel: their astonishing [...]

Faith is not a work

Faith is not a work: ​Believing is not a work, but a ceasing from work; and this struggle to believe, is just the sinner's attempt to make a work out of that which is no work at all, to make a [...]

The content of faith

Salvation is not in our act of believing, trusting, knowing, or remembering; it is in the thing or person believed on, trusted, known, remembered. Nor is salvation given as a reward for believing [...]